Saturday 6 September 2014

Heading south

I'm on the beach at Port Douglas watching the children and auntie Neesha in the water; the palm shadows are beginning to creep across the beach so it's nearly time to head to the showers. It's Father's Day in Australia so we're having steak on the barbie tonight (different from last night which was chicken kebabs on the barbie)! It's Sunday and we are back where we were last Sunday so we went back to the same church on the beach we went to last week. We have had an incredible week up north where the bitumen road has only just preceded us so definitely no internet or phone service most of the time! The birds have been out of this world from tiny suncatchers to emus and a cassowary! And we've seen wallabies and kangaroos too. We tried homeschooling on the move for the first time.....I'm not sure anyone was too impressed by that idea. The children are convinced they can do homeschooling on the beach .... Ah well, we'll see about that!
Missing you all Emelye

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