Sunday 5 August 2018

Cotopaxi Volcano

This is Cotopaxi volcano - the second highest peak in Ecuador - smoking a little but also in cloud. We are in Ecuador wending our way between the East and West Cordilleras of the Andes. We are at a high altitude and so the weather isn't that warm and changes very quickly. We started the day at 2,800m.
And went up into paramo where all the plants are tiny, so many little flowers including bushes of valerian (sleeping drug); and wild horses!
We started our hike in sun, but the weather quickly changed and we ended up in a blizzard with thunder and lightning at 4,800m!! It was so cold!! We got to the refuge but then turned around, still a kilometre from the summit! I don't know if you've seen the Star Wars film where the ground is red under the white? Coming down the volcano was just like that except it was soft black ash under the white snow, so we just ran down! Epic!
posted by emelye

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