Saturday, 24 January 2015

Kings Park

A Grass Tree

Happy New Year at Kings Park - all zinc-ed up! 
Banksia flower

Kings Park is my favourite non-beach place in Perth.  It is above the city with incredible views over Swan River.   You enter by Fraser Avenue which has an avenue of salmon barked huge eucalyptus trees.  When I think over so many family occasions of the past this is where they have happened!  The park covers a massive area, much of which is bushland, so dry and still at this time of year.  Banksias and grass trees flourish here.  I remember one time we were due to meet here the park was shut - a huge bushfire raging out of control, smoke billowing over the city!  We later found out my cousin (doing research into propagation by fire - which is how many trees here reproduce) was detained by the police for starting the fire .... which of course he hadn't!  

We celebrated New Year here with silly games, a picnic and a very hot walk.

Down South

Sunset at Emu Point, Albany

Us watching the sunset with our dinner on the beach

The Gloucester Tree - 53m tall (scary)

We travelled down south to Albany with Venetia and John.  It was a wonderful few days of camping in areas of such outstanding beauty, even if it was chilly going south.  The fire tree was a highlight, climbing up above the canopy, being able to see Karri forest for miles around - the only place you can find these giants.

After many months of travelling together as a family John is now in Seattle, Venetia in Borneo and Dad and Juliet in Melbourne; it feels very different being just the five of us after such a long time.  We have one week left here in Perth, which is both exciting, and sad.... Sad to be leaving my beautiful extended family and this seaside city I know so well and exciting knowing the adventure is not quite over as we leave here for Bangkok!