Isn't this a beautiful crab!!
This is Trigg beach from the rock jetty the children love so much
My favourite place - the ocean!
We are now all settled in to Perth Bible College where we'll be for 6 weeks! It feels so different from being on the road. Part of me is still itching to be nomadic but I have to say clean clothes, beds that don't need unrolling and de-sanding every night, a fridge that just stays plugged into electricity all the time without anyone needing to angst about it ..... these are a few of the many luxuries of staying put for a while. We will do some camping up and down the coast to find various wonderful relatives who don't live in Perth but for the next few weeks we'll just be here. We've had some lovely reunions with family we've not seen in over a decade which is so special ... and there are many more of those occasions to come. The children are amazed to discover so many more children cousins they didn't know they had.
Giles and I are trying to start a regular routine of running to the beach in the mornings before the sun gets too hot which happens at 7.30am followed by homeschooling. My Dad, Juliet, Venetia and John have the little bungalow next to ours so we have lots of visitors. Tonight we're hoping to go to the cathedral for a carol concert (probably one of those ones you're not supposed to take children to, but I think we will). Only having a week to prepare for Christmas feels very different and so does the celebrating. We're having a big family party in a park, with everyone bringing meat for the barbie and a salad, sounds good and relaxed! Happy Christmas!